Our Company

Truangle is one of the growing professional services companies, providing consulting and outsourcing services through our strategy, technology and operations capabilities.

We help organizations maximize their performance and achieve their vision. We develop and implement technology solutions to improve our clients productivity and efficiency. We harnesses the power of technology to drive innovation, deliver cutting-edge solutions and increase productivity.

We run Truangle itself as a high-performance business. We manage our operations with rigor and discipline to increase our efficiency and enhance our competitiveness, so that we can continue to achieve our ultimate goal of delivering sustainable, profitable growth over the long term.

The Right People In The Right Jobs

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.

Tim Woods
Tim WoodsCEO & Founder
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praestium voluptatum deleniti atque.
Sara Jones
Sara JonesDigital Marketer
Etiam porta dui id nibh sodales, ac fringilla risus tempor. Nullam faucibus tincidunt ipsum, id pretium urna.
Mark White
Mark WhiteSEO Specialist
Etiam porta dui id nibh sodales, ac fringilla risus tempor. Nullam faucibus tincidunt ipsum, id pretium urna.

Are you Dedicated, Hardworking, and Fun Loving? We are looking for you!

We are always looking for bright talent in US and in India. We work global project and one with good understanding of multiple work cultures along with technical strength will be an asset to Truangle.

See job offers

Not sure where to start?

Talk to us. We will work with you collaboratively to identify and analyze your requirements, and will assist you in developing and implementing the right solution.